Whale cruises

Proud supplier of adventure and ecotourism experiences in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean since 1992, Saguenay aventures relies on its exceptional environment to offer its guests and participants, activities rich in discoveries on an annual basis. For more than 25 years, we have specialized, among other things, in discovering the environment of the Saguenay St.Lawrence Marine Park through nautical activities, both in sea kayaking and in personalized zodiac cruises.

A personalized excursion concept

Our zodiacs are very comfortable and offer the possibility of going in a small group to discover an exceptional environment with a naturalist captain. We have a 12-passenger zodiac, a 24-passenger zodiac and a 47-passenger zodiac. Proximity to the naturalist interpreter captain allows for personalized exchanges and learning in both English and French

3 zodiacs, a Fjord, a River, 3 home ports, three distinct cruises

We are proud to be able to offer our visitors the chance to participate in 3 types of equally enriching, educational and contemplative excursions on 3 distinct home ports. Each offering different landscapes, stories and observations.

Here are our three cruise choices

The Adventure

Departing from Village-Vacances Petit-Saguenay, we offer 3 hours cruises between Fjord and Whales. Meet on the magnificent beach of Anse Saint-Étienne for a unique start. Observe micro-fauna on land with our guide interpreter and then board our 48 passengers zodiac and go down the Fjord du Saguenay to the Fleuve Saint-Laurent to meet the whales and other marine mammals that inhabit this Marin Parc Saguenay Saint-Laurent.

Adult 111$

Kids (2 to 13 years old) 96$

Family (2 adults, 2 kids) 352$


The Comfort

Boarding at the dock of Anse Saint-Jean. Once properly installed in the comfort of our 48-passenger covered zodiac, you'll go down the Fjord du Saguenay to meet the marine mammals of the St. Lawrence estuary. Watch out for several surprises on the menu during the trip. This 4 hours cruise will allow you to discover the wonders of the Fjord and the whales while returning to Anse Saint-Jean for dinner time.

Adult 122$

Kids ( 2 to 13 years old) 106$

Family ( 2 adults, 2 kids) 404$


Trio Fjord Whales and Tadoussac

Do you want to spend a day in the whale world? This trio is for you. Board our 47-passengers covered zodiac for a 3 hours cruise in a combination of the Fjord and whales. You will go down at Tadoussac dock at midday, where you will have the opportunity to observe whales from land, visit the splendid village of Tadoussac and discover the Marine Mammal Interpretation Center. You will end your day aboard a riverboat that will take you back to Anse Saint-Jean for dinner.

Adult 177$

Kids (2 to 13 years old) 145$

Family (2 adults, 2 kids) 552$


Cruises on the fjord - (Baie-Éternité sector)

Departures from the Parc National du Fjord-du-Saguenay (Baie-Éternité sector), we offer 2 hours cruise for discovering the national park from the fjord.

Immerse yourself in the imposing Cap Trinité and Cap Éternité, discover the history of the Notre-Dame-du-Saguenay statue and even catch a glimpse of the birds that nest in the 400 m high cliffs and harbour seals along the shore. Our captain/interpreter will share the secrets of this unique fjord on board our 24-passengers Zodiac!

Adult 66$

Kids (2 to 13 years old) 59$

Family (2 adults, 2 kids) 213$

Reserve your seats by calling SÉPAQ at 1-800-665-6527 or 418-272-1556

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