QUÉBEC: Our Playground

Total Playground: 1,540,673 km²
Population: 7,138,795

Le Québec

Take part in the great diversity of natural Québec

Through its unique and original expeditions, OrganisAction: Quebec Off the Beaten Path! offers adventures across more than a million square kilometres of nature that is just waiting to be explored! Walk the tundra in the high peaks of Gaspésie (Gaspe Peninsula), climb the Groulx Mountains, cross the boreal forest of Lac Saint-Jean, sail on America's longest fjord, the Saguenay, tame the bubbling waters of the Ashuapmushuan or the Mistassibi Rivers, or cross Hudson Bay for a meeting with the Inuit. With OrganisAction: Quebec Off the Beaten Path! go on an adventure in tune with nature.

OrganisAction: Quebec Off the Beaten Path is proud to offer you enriching discovery expeditions, with guides specializing in safety, security and interpretation. With them, you will discover the Saguenay Fjord in a new way - either by sea kayak or zodiac (inflatable boat with a rigid hull).

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