Zodiac charter

Explore the Saguenay Fjord in a zodiac!
With family, friends or colleagues, discover our zodiac charter service with Captain.
On board one of our three boats, we offer a custom cruise, by the day or half day.

Prices off season

Hour Half day Full day
12 passengers 200$ 700$ 1200$
24 passengers 300$ 1100$ 1900$
48 passengers 600$ 2300$ 4000$

Prices regular (June 24th - Sept 4th)

Hour Half day Full day
12 passengers 250$ 900$ 1500$
24 passengers 500$ 1800$ 3000$
48 passagers 1000$ 3500$ 6000$

* All thoses prices are plus taxes.

*Gasoline, insurance and greenhouse gas compensation in the Porgramme Carbone Boréal.

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